High School Life / Photography

Random Photos Taken In Chung Ling

Do you have special toilet for VIP? Very Important (insert youself, something start with P). This toilet is old one, we do have new VIP toilet at the other side, and I went in before. It’s lock always.

The new pay phone in school. Some more got SMS feature, 20cent per SMS.

My school layout plan. I remember Han Chiang’s school layout plan is bigger than ours, but ours is more colourful then theirs.

Afternoon session recess time, 3.50pm.

Play badminton, anyone?

My class notice board, I am in charge. LOL

About Author

Nick is an interior designer and tech enthusiast based in Penang, Malaysia who constantly exploring places, indulges great food, discovering good design and is a shutterbug. Nick usually writes about Penang, happenings, travel, food, design and personal thoughts.


  • Izwan
    July 7, 2007 at 10:05 am

    I see a very “informational” dashboard 😛

    DOn’t tell me you advertise your blog there! heh

  • Nicholas
    July 8, 2007 at 2:25 pm

    hehe, actually i did, paste a small sticker, but dono where it fly already, need to print a bigger one, please see the spider “man” poster. LOL

  • Elise
    July 9, 2007 at 8:07 am

    Cool. Now I know. Public phone can send sms too. hehe..

    I saw the Transformers advertisement on the dashboard.


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