Do you have special toilet for VIP? Very Important (insert youself, something start with P). This toilet is old one, we do have new VIP toilet at the other side, and I went in before. It’s lock always.
The new pay phone in school. Some more got SMS feature, 20cent per SMS.
My school layout plan. I remember Han Chiang’s school layout plan is bigger than ours, but ours is more colourful then theirs.
Afternoon session recess time, 3.50pm.
Play badminton, anyone?
My class notice board, I am in charge. LOL
July 7, 2007 at 10:05 amI see a very “informational” dashboard 😛
DOn’t tell me you advertise your blog there! heh
July 8, 2007 at 2:25 pmhehe, actually i did, paste a small sticker, but dono where it fly already, need to print a bigger one, please see the spider “man” poster. LOL
July 9, 2007 at 8:07 amCool. Now I know. Public phone can send sms too. hehe..
I saw the Transformers advertisement on the dashboard.