College Life / Lifelog

Play iPad’s Tap Tap In IBS Class

Haha. I am posting photos taken during the Interior Behaviour Study class again. The class duration is like so long 4-hour straight nonstop and it is in the design studio. Loving design studio a lot! =D One day during the class while the lecturer was attending other group for tutorial, we played Tap Tap. I am still figuring how to download songs onto Tap Tap Revenge, any tutorial? =)

We were playing Lady Gaga Revenge for most of the time as it’s the only one that has multiplayer on my iPad. I don’t have songs in my Tap Tap Revenge though. Haha.


The multiplayer that we played was not two person only, there’s like 6 person playing a single Tap Tap game because of six different fingers. =D

Then nothing much, went around to take photos, talk and wait for the tutorial from the lecturer.

And next week would be the last week for this semester, yet I have plenty of assignments to rush for! Due dates! Sleepless night! Coffee! Red Bull! OMG! Wish me luck and give me spiritual support. Haha.

About Author

Nick is an interior designer and tech enthusiast based in Penang, Malaysia who constantly exploring places, indulges great food, discovering good design and is a shutterbug. Nick usually writes about Penang, happenings, travel, food, design and personal thoughts.


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