Life In UK / Lifelog / Liverpool / Travel / United Kingdom

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock – It was another short trip to Liverpool after spending a short while at Manchester. Since Liverpool is so near to Manchester, about 45 minutes of train ride, it would be a waste not to visit this beautiful city in the North West of England. Didn’t really know anything about Liverpool at first, all I know was the Liverpool Football Club, Anfield Stadium and Cheshire Oaks Shopping Outlets, that’s all. I never know that it’s quite gorgeous, full of history and culture and Beatles, the band was originated from Liverpool.

Fun fact was that the Chinese Arch at Liverpool’s Chinatown is the largest in the UK, and a friend who is living in Liverpool told me the Chinatown is literally a dead town in the morning which only comes alive at night. LOL. Albert Dock and the city was interesting enough to makes me felt very happenings and the view across Mersey River just reminds me viewing Butterworth from George Town. Although it was just a day in Liverpool, it was still a fun one!

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

Liverpool: A Walk In City, Cheshire Oaks & Albert Dock

University of Liverpool

About Author

Nick is an interior designer and tech enthusiast based in Penang, Malaysia who constantly exploring places, indulges great food, discovering good design and is a shutterbug. Nick usually writes about Penang, happenings, travel, food, design and personal thoughts.


  • Emmanuel
    June 30, 2014 at 3:29 pm

    With me for as well, Liverpool is limited to a football club and of course getting a $6,000 worth visa to travel isn’t going to be a small thing here but I sincerely do hope to find myself there one day.

    • Nick Chan
      July 9, 2014 at 3:25 pm

      Hopefully, you will get to visit England one day! It’s a nice country.

  • suituapui
    July 3, 2014 at 11:10 am

    Wowwww!!!! That sure is a huge Chinese arch. I’ve a nephew studying in Liverpool Uni. That used to be where all the music greats came from…including the Beatles. No Beatles or Liverpool music museum?

    • Nick Chan
      July 9, 2014 at 3:25 pm

      There’s quite a few Beatles gallery and museum at Liverpool which are worth for visiting, too bad I didn’t have much time to check them out! It’s a must visit if you are a fan. =) Are you?


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