London // Good Morning Buckingham Palace & London – Oh hello people, I am back, finally, after a long hiatus from the social network as I was so so so busy with travelling, and school’s assignment. Luckily, I was not killed by the deadlines and submissions. Thank god that I am so alive and sounding well right now.
Oh London! I am missing the great city so much right now as I am flipping through the photos that I’ve taken. This series of photos were from the London weekend trip that I had back in November, more to come as London is getting to be my second
home in the UK, since it’s so easy to get there and cheap! A return ticket of Newcastle – London costs at
about £20-25 via Megabus. Although the journey is darn long at 7-hours per way, but it’s still cheap when comparing to Aeroline that I used to connect KL – Penang back in Malaysia.
7-hours of journey was not that bad in a warm and stuffy bus, I slept all the way! Waking up in London was just so exciting and looking around just gave me a super different experience as compare to Newcastle. It’s a huge city, it’s metropolitan urban city!
Without knowing where to go from Victoria Coach Station, I just tried to walk around to see if any attractions nearby while waiting a London friend to ring me and tell me where to go. Followed the Google Maps and the information board, and me and Alvin were leaded to the Buckingham Palace.
Snap shot of the palace, couldn’t see any sign of Her Majesty Queen, or Prince, guard were just standing there, and cold, we walked away. Heading to some direction we didn’t know about, and ended at Piccadilly Circus! Phone rang and headed to my friend’s place at Euston and he was just shocked about how we made it to Piccadilly from Victoria. Quite a random walk, but the sunny morning did bring a good feeling to that morning. Too much to talk about London, in just simple word, good morning great London and let’s the pictures speak for now.
London’s specialty, cab. |
Mounted police, or police who patrol on horseback, roaming the street nearby Buckingham Palace. Be prepared to smell some poo-poo. |
Good morning precious sunny London, where sun is so rare in the UK. |
A temporary bus stop. |
Reminds me of my childhood where I lived on a street named Buckingham Street in Penang, Malaysia. |
Selfy. |
Guard, not changing. |
Buckingham Palace. Where’s the queen now? |
Me and the Palace. |
Statue of I’ve-no-idea. |
Victoria Memorial. |
The Mall, which attracted me to go this way after checking out the palace. |
Dedicated bicycle lane which I always hope that Penang can have a network of it too. |
Sunny! |
Good morning. |
Some monument structure. |
Road construction. |
Wayfinding board. Very helpful for exploring London. |
Underground Tube entrance. |
On a very quiet Saturday morning. It’s just so not-London in this picture where the street is empty. I was too early! |
Interchanging at Leicester Square to Euston Station. |
Euston Railway & Tube Station. |
Passfield Hall, where the Londoner friend stays. |
About Author
Nick is an interior designer and tech enthusiast based in Penang, Malaysia who constantly exploring places, indulges great food, discovering good design and is a shutterbug. Nick usually writes about Penang, happenings, travel, food, design and personal thoughts.
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