College Life / Interior Design / Lifelog

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!
Arvin, Jia Hui, Wesley and Me! My group member all the time.

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day! – Finally, I can get a very short break now after working for so many weeks for the Food Kiosk design project for my Interior Design Studio subject. Just had my presentation yesterday, not perfect, but satisfied with what I’ve done. Although there’s critics from the lecturers, I take them as advice for improvement in future project and assignments.

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!
Arvin, Jia Hui, Steve, Wesley and Rasyid.

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!
Fana, Nita, Hanan, Mellysa.

The main thing that I’ve learned recently is 3D rendering. I love Google Sketchup + Vray, they are awesome. But then rendering 3D with Vray is a very hard thing because the setting is very hard to understand. It’s just like C++ programming and stuff. A lot of trial and error and trying and testing to make a perfect one. I am still learning and need to learn from the pro, perhaps take an external course (any idea where?). =D By the way, 3Dsmax sucks. Haha.

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!
Moh and Ken.

The presentation was fun. Spent quite a lot for printing, but love what I’ve printed. I was nervous before my turn but it went fun during my turn to explain and present. Yay!

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!
Ana, Zetty, Fahdran and Zhi Sheng.

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!
MJ and Zhen.

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!

Well, happy short 1-week holiday to my classmate, I am going to the most awesome place in Malaysia – Penang tomorrow, my home! And after the break, gonna get busy again with another project. Busy college life, and it’s fun.

One more thing, here’s… me! =D

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!

Food Kiosk Project Presentation Day!


About Author

Nick is an interior designer and tech enthusiast based in Penang, Malaysia who constantly exploring places, indulges great food, discovering good design and is a shutterbug. Nick usually writes about Penang, happenings, travel, food, design and personal thoughts.

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