Trout fishing is a popular sport. Different species of trout can be found all over the world, and in both salt and fresh water, with the exception of Antarctica. It’s not surprising that Shawn Henry Baybutt lists trout fishing among the many activities he likes to participate in. More pointedly, Mr. Baybutt prefers a particular type of trout known as the steelhead trout, which is popular from Southern California to the peninsula of Alaska and all points in between. This variation of the Rainbow trout has been a favorite of anglers like Shawn Baybutt for many years.
While steelhead trout are found in the various rivers and streams of Canada is considered a trout, the steelhead resembles a salmon more than its freshwater counterpart. Steelhead trout are ocean faring fish and only return to freshwater to spawn. In fact, the steelhead, as it is called in the US and Canada, is aptly named the ocean trout in Australia.
Another thing that makes steelhead trout popular is how vigorous the fish can be. While most steelheads are medium in size they are excellent game, and in some cases the steelhead can grow quite large. As an example, the largest known steelhead trout caught was 47 inches long weighing in at 53 pounds.
Unfortunately, in recent years, populations of steelhead trout have been on the decline in North America.
Shawn Baybutt, as well as many other anglers, finds the steelhead trout to be an excellent gaming fish but the question is where does
Shawn Henry Baybutt like to fish for this popular trout. While there are many different locations in North America and more pointedly Canada, perhaps one of the best areas where Mr. Baybutt finds a strong population of steelhead trout is the Skeena.
The Skeena begins in the Spasizi Plateau, a large grouping of coastal mountains and snakes through 350 miles and ends at Port Rupert, a large ocean port. The Skeena also encompasses over 30 different tributaries like the Bulkey, Morice, Kispiox and the Babine, just to name a few. These various tributaries of the Skeena create what is known as Rivers of Steel as these waterways hold large volumes of steelhead trout.
Within this large area are various different spots that Mr.
Baybutt as well as other Canadian anglers
love to fish for steelhead trout. However, it’s important to understand that as stated before that the steelhead population has dwindled over the years which is why Mr. Baybutt has always promoted responsible fishing in order to maintain a healthy level of this most beloved fish.
Shawn Henry Baybutt enjoys a great many things in life, but one of his true passions is fishing for steelhead trout. This fish is a true sporting catch. In addition, with the joy of being able to take in some of the most grand and spectacular landscapes surrounding the bodies of water steelhead trout call home, it’s little wonder why Mr. Baybutt enjoys this pastime as much as he does.
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