Cool Stuff / Lifelog

Away to PLKN (Day 5): Gift from China by a Singaporean Friend

IMG_7279-1 by nicholaschan

I met a Singaporean friend online, his name is Paul and I want to thank him for getting me souvenirs from his China and Hong Kong trip. One day while coming back home, I am so surprised to see there’s a parcel on my doorstep and I there’s my name written on it. So excited because the souvenirs has finally arrived. =D

IMG_7281 by nicholaschan.

I saw Coke logo. Yes, I am a Coca-Cola cans fans and have been collecting the cans for few years already and is still collecting! He bought me Coke plastic cups which are pretty cool. Now, it’ll be something new for my Coke collection.

IMG_7283 by nicholaschan.

There’s also casing for Google Nexus One. So nice to see there’s accessories for the phone already. He didn’t know what color I like so bought all five, but still, I like the transparent white the most. =) Pretty!

By the way, HAPPY APRIL FOOL. Nothing to fool you. LOL

About Author

Nick is an interior designer and tech enthusiast based in Penang, Malaysia who constantly exploring places, indulges great food, discovering good design and is a shutterbug. Nick usually writes about Penang, happenings, travel, food, design and personal thoughts.


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