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ADV: Play The Cadbury Malaysia Choclairs Choco Boom Pop It or Drop It

Yoyoyo people, friends, and everyone, still remember last time I talked about the Cadbury Choclairs Pop It or Drop It game?


I wonder if you guys played the game or not? My top score kept getting higher and higher, was so close to winning the PSP Go! =D



It’d been some times that I have been playing the Pop It or Drop It game on Facebook and the scores already filled my wall posts.

By the way, what do you think about playing the real “Pop It or Drop It” game, what I mean real is REAL, R-E-A-L with real chocolate explosion and real person on a real ground. You say good or not? =D Not playing with the keyboard already. Yay!

I want to let you know that “Pop It or Drop It” is REALLY coming closer to you. There will be a real competition but details will be announced at their FB page. The finalists will battle out for the grand prize trip to Gold Coast, Australia on-ground!

Play it or not play it, you must come to witness and FEEL the explosion of chocolate. Hmm. Sounds interesting. =D


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I wonder what these little grumpees will look like in real life??

Imagine chocolate explosion, flying around, boom boom boom, open your mouth and chocolate falls into it, yum yum. I’m quite excited about it! CHOCLAIRS MAKES PEOPLE HAPPY! Are you ready?!

Stay tuned to to find out more!

About Author

Nick is an interior designer and tech enthusiast based in Penang, Malaysia who constantly exploring places, indulges great food, discovering good design and is a shutterbug. Nick usually writes about Penang, happenings, travel, food, design and personal thoughts.

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