On a lovely evening, I went dating with my dearest one, Hueisean at the tree house restaurant on Burma Road, the Jemputree Restaurant. It’s a Malay style tree house serving halal western and local Malay cuisine. I was kinda attracted by the tree house concept and it’s kinda cool and cute.
It was a Tuesday night and there’s not many people at there so we could go up the tree house and for your information, there’s only one tree house seating. It’s actually not a tree house, it’s a elevated platform right under the tree, so it seems to be dining on a “tree house”. Some says that the area need to be made reserve as it’s quite a hot spot.
Anyway, let’s get into the food of that night. I didn’t feel of having local food that night, so I went for western food ala Asian style. I ordered the local famous Chicken Cordon Blue. Surprisingly, the chicken is kinda small in portion. Taste is O-K but too little. It’s kinda not enough for the small stomach of mine.
Next up is a pizza, the Hawaiian Chicken pizza. Wanted to order the four season but it’s out of stock and hawaiian chicken it was. Thin crust pizza with cheesy ingredient. Yummy, but the ingredient doesn’t stick to the bread well.
Overall, the food is OK-GOOD only. It’s just another nice place to chill out with friends of have a romantic time on the tree. =) Beware of mosquitoes.
Tel: +6-04-2286607
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com.my/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=215278323465761497274.000469feb8850ec72b675&ll=5.424927,100.320518&spn=0.005127,0.006866&z=17&iwloc=0004990751afbad16add7&output=embed&w=640&h=480]
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