Issues / Lifelog / Penang

Drainage Upgrading And Widening In George Town, Penang

Drainage Upgrading And Widening In George Town, Penang

Drainage Upgrading And Widening In George Town, Penang – If you are driving or walking around town, you will see many of this digging and constructing work going around by the roadside. It’s the upgrading work of the drainage by widening it for a better flood control in the city.

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I don’t know why some of the NGOs (Non-governmental organisations) are so stubborn and troublesome. They complain that the this upgrading work by the Penang state government should not be done as the drains were part of Penang’s heritage.


Funny right? It’s very ridiculous and since when the UNESCO classifies the drain as part of the heritage element list? Come on, it’s just a drain. If there’s flood, who’s gonna blame? Some, I mean some, NGOs is some times No Brain Organizations, their jobs is just to complain, without looking into the matter seriously.

About Author

Nick is an interior designer and tech enthusiast based in Penang, Malaysia who constantly exploring places, indulges great food, discovering good design and is a shutterbug. Nick usually writes about Penang, happenings, travel, food, design and personal thoughts.

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