3 days 2 nights had finally came to an end. I didn’t overnight at there because I wanted to go home to study Chinese for my SPM 2009 examination and for that two night of studies, I got C for Chinese. Sucks man. But I don’t care already, life move on.
So it’s last day and I again, woke up early in the morning and drove to the camp site at Kheng Tian Primary School. Kids were happy to see me, they really like to bully me because I looked very easy to be bullied. OMG. They were having mini activities and making little art work. I saw a lot of helpers were asleep or stim stim or blur blur or like not yet wake up, guess they were not sleeping the night before.
They made a calendar with their group photo printed on it and do some simple artwork. That’s the last activity of the camp. Then it’s closing ceremony and finally it ended. Feel sad because so fast ended and feel sad because the next day is Chinese exam already. Haha.
This kid was naughty, always bully me. Haha
Very nice that my team did win something. We got 3rd for the dance on the performance night. Woo, seems like what I choreographed was not bad. LOL. It’s lame, but I feel satisfaction.
Bid good bye, autograph session, photograph session then bye bye and went home to read Chinese. So fast 3 days had passed.
Big group photos, OMG, I was not in red.
This year don’t know still have chance to join or not, hopefully have! I will be back.
=========WORLD CUP FEVER=========
EPL has finished, UEFA also just finished and next would be the FIFA World Cup! Oh yeah. I bet everyone is getting excited about it and I like it because everywhere is going to be happening especially at night at the mamak stalls and McDonald’s or kopitiam with TV. Everyone will be sitting down and watch the World Cup together.
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