Cool Stuff

Away to PLKN (Day 11): My Workstation, Last Time to Current

Talking back about PLKN, why was I chosen? I got no idea. There’s 400-500k youth of my age and only 180k people got chosen, and I am one of the lucky one. Really very lucky. So, you guys are so not lucky.

Here’s some cool stuff, I found out my workstation looked like this back in 2006 when I was Form 2. I only have a 15″ LCD and it’s so damn cool, there’s a very noisy fan laptop too.

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Garfield very cute.

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2006, I was not so blogger back then, but already an Internet addict.

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2007, the screen become bigger. I was Form 3. It’s a 22″ Dell LCD. From then on, I started using Dell’s already.

February Setup by nicholaschan.
2008, started using dual-screen setup.a 22 inch and a 17 inch. Love it very much.

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2009, changed again. Changed from 22 inch to 24 inch. Still loving dual-screen, once dual-screen, I never get back, it looked cool and I can do so much thing from it.

Not bad right?

=========S.O.X. All-Stars Drum & Dance=========

IMG_2815 by you.

So you think you can beat them? So you think you can march? So you think you can band? Check out the S.O.X. All-Stars Drum & Dance competition right now. The coming S.O.X. Camp will be conducted by professional choreographers in Kuching, JB and Penang which will prepare you all better for the competition.  Last year was a success and this year they said it will be bigger, better and bombastic-er!

So if you like dance, if you like cheer, if you like band, go check out S.O.X. All-Stars Drum & Dance now. You can join the Facebook and Friendster page or go to the website to check out more.

About Author

Nick is an interior designer and tech enthusiast based in Penang, Malaysia who constantly exploring places, indulges great food, discovering good design and is a shutterbug. Nick usually writes about Penang, happenings, travel, food, design and personal thoughts.


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